Last night I experienced one the greatest things of my life as a Christian...
It's been my dream to attend a Passion conference for about 5 or 6 years - since my friend Amy presented me a Passion Live CD. I played it over and over and over again.... prayed with the people on it, sang with them, memorized all the songs... And I thought to myself 'One day I'll go to America and I'll join these Christians in worship. I'll praise the Lord with thousands of Christians from all over the world. We'll become one. Our voices will shout to the Lord of creation.'
God is good, oh so good... I didn't even have to cross the ocean. Yesterday I sang with 4 thousand young people of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Slovakia, USA, South America, Great Britain and many others... right here, in Kiev.
My heart rejoices... Halleluiah!!!!
The atmosphere there is absolutely amazing!
Look!!! (that's a youtube link about the whole movement)
The Sports Palace. Our church youth (and me)
are sitting on the top rows on the left :))
The Passion team really loved it here! At least that's waht it sounds like from their blog! (click here)
Guys, you're welcome to Kiev anytime!!!