Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fruit flies!

Ok, this has nothing to do with American or Ukrainian lifestyles, culture or economics. Simply what has to do with nature and the biological differences.

The only time I had a real issue with fruit flies while living in Ukraine is when someone left a napkin soaked in some sticky liquid in one of my cupboards. I don't know why. But it occurred after one of the many parties we had, and someone must have spilled something and had mistaken my cupboard for a trashcan. Anyways, for about a week after, my kitchen ceiling was covered (literally) with fruit flies. We used vacuum cleaner to clear the air. But the next day there were as many, if not more. I scrubbed and I cleaned every surface in my kitchen, using hard core cleaning liquids, chlorine and what not. It was obvious that something was rotten somewhere, otherwise they would be gone already. So one day I made it my goal to find the source of the problem - the cause of multiplying and happy life of my unwanted guests. So when I finally found that stupid napkin (oh it was disgusting), and disinfected the whole area, the fruit flies were gone. Forever.

I mean I would see an occasional one or two if we had a bowl of fruit somewhere - but not a ceiling covered with them.

Now that we live in Maryland... oh boy. I am told that fruit flies is just something people live with here in Delmarva once the fall season comes. There's no fruit, vegetables or any edible thing uncovered in our kitchen. I became a clean-freak and used up lots of bottles of all kinds of cleaning supplies. It's been about a month that we've had fruit flies. And nothing helps. And I'm told the only thing that will help us rid of them is cold weather. And I hate to give up summer and my favorite time of the year - golden fall with its gentle sun and fresh breeze. But I think I'm about ready for winter if this is the only thing that will help.

As much as I hated finding that yukky sticky napkin, I feel like it's better when you can locate the root of the problem and take care of that. Rather than have everyday battles with those fruit flies and know that they'll win anyway.