Thursday, December 27, 2007

A new start

what a day...

work started from packing up into many boxes... our office is going to be remodelled during the new years vacation. all we see around is loads of boxes of all sizes. it makes this time of celebration even more special - in the new 2008-th year we're actually going to come into something new... a new work year, new challenges, new office... i'll finally get rid of all the stuff of a girl that used to work in my place - for some reason she left a lot of her personal possesions here... and never came back for them.

none of us could work properly - we all looked like we were doing something important, but it's impossible to force yourself to work on the last day of work before a 1,5-week break...

so i went to a several celebrations - first to a friends' birthday in my former magazine (with lots of yummy food and drinks) and now preparing for our little party - the table is set, everybody is thinking of good toasts to say: to new year's, to new beginnings, to wishes come true, to productive work and much fun next year...

after my office celebration Jamie and I are going to prolong our festive mood by seeing 'Enchanted' (finally!) - a rental girl who i cooperate with when choosing movies for my reviews left me two tickets for tonight's show (I was sick for the grand premiere) - she is so sweet!

frankly speaking, this day was (is) a real treat! such a nice new year's present :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

This card was in my work email inbox.
And a note from a friend saying
'George didn't know your email address,
so he asked me to pass it on to you'

Monday, December 10, 2007

Enchanted in Manhattan

«Зачарованная» на Манхэттене

Режиссер Кевин Лима смешал мультик с художественным фильмом… Получилась юморная и добрая картина, которую с удовольствием посмотрят и взрослые, и дети. Отличный диснеевский подарок к Новому году!

В сказочной стране живет красавица Жизель, которая по законам жанра влюбляется в прекрасного принца. Разумеется, их чувство взаимно. Но планы влюбленных нарушает злая колдунья – мать принца. Ведьма решает извести будущую невестку! Она отправляет Жизель в самое жуткое место во вселенной – наш реальный мир. А что может быть хуже, чем хаотичный и серый Манхэттен XXI века?
На этом моменте мультик заканчивается – начинается фильм! Анимационная Жизель превращается в настоящую девушку (Эми Адамс) и оказывается в центре мегаполиса в час пик. Просто жуть!
Удастся ли ей попасть домой? Да и захочет ли она туда возвращаться – вот вопрос! Ведь в Нью-Йорке она встретит прагматичного, но обаятельного Роберта. Однако и здесь героине не будет покоя! Сначала в городе окажется прекрасный романтик-принц: он так просто не собирается отказываться от своих чувств. Затем из волшебной страны прибудет целый вагон персонажей: и преданный дворецкий, и злая ведьма (в исполнении Сьюзан Сарандон), и даже забавный говорящий бурундук, от которого будут шарахаться окружающие! Полтора часа смеха и море положительных эмоций гарантированы.

Приключенческое фэнтези, США, B&H
Режиссер – Кевин Лима
В ролях: Эми Адамс, Сьюзан Сарандон, Джеймс Мерсден
В прокате – с 20 декабря

By Dasha for Edinstvennaya magazine

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

There is a first time for everything

These were my
first interviews ever!!!
Here on the right is the
Mr. Aaron Johnson.

And here I'm enjoying the company of a Ukrainian celebrity. His nickname is Dilya, he is a famous pop-band soloist. I actually like his songs! And his personality - a very cheerful optimistic person. Heeeey.... hehe... he is not married, I can share his phone number with those interested.

I feel like a journalist!
And I llllovvvve the feeling :)))

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Today is Saturday.

I was in bed till afternoon.

I was in my pajamas till 2 p.m.

What a glorious lazy day.

I love Saturdays...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

He is close!

My hubby will be home in about 4 hours!!!

I SO can't wait!!! I'm a little nervous about the fog, but I know God will get him home safely because He is a good God.

My Jamie will come out of the plane together with the Japanese and it will be almost impossible to tell the difference between them. As you can see in this picture Jamie's eyes have been rather Japanese even before this trip! We'll see if I recognise him in the airport. Might bring home some Ching Sun Yan instead of James Cooper Peipon. I guess I should check his passport first... My husband is an American citizen! That much I know! :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Our Domestic Zoo

They eat together...

sleep together...

play together (the cats are nearby, but they prefere
to play with each other...)

'Hello, stranger!'

Monday, November 12, 2007

The super modern XXI technology is called to make life more easy!
or... uh, more complicated? See what I mean

Home alone

Oh, a blessed week of rest..... I'm staying home this whole coming week. If I wish I can stay in Monday to Sunday! And no one has the right to tell me it's wrong :) But we'll see, I might have a peek outside... we'll see... depending on your behavior.

By the way, about this 'behavior' word (and many others like 'favorite'... emm, many of them, but I can't think of another example). Anyhow, in school we all had to write an essay on a given theme. And when the next week the teacher returned our checked papers we were all disappointed at how many corrections there were (she is a very diligent young teacher, about 3 years older than us :)
On the side of the lines there were explanations of our mistakes. I understand 'WW" (wrong word usage), SP (spelling, of course), GR (grammar), but one of my mistakes had 'Am' on the side. The mistake was in the word 'favour'. Apparently, this mistake is called 'Americanism' :))))
It's difficult to be learning your second language and be constantly confused about British and American English (Okay, I get the pronunciation differences, but the spelling! common!). I love them both, but I have to make up my mind and choose one! What shall I do???

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I got a call from Tokyo!!!

Guess who? :)))))
I couldn't believe my ears! Right in the middle of my work day on my cell phone! I remember thinking that Andrey's and Jamie's voices sound very similar. Today I got convinced it is really so. The little screen on my phone said 'Private #' and when I picked up it felt like it's far away... Allo, allo... Dasha? I was pretty sure that the call was made from as far as Great Britain. Oh, what a pleasant surprise, my brother was so eager to hear me... I needed like 5 seconds to realise it was from Japan! Quite a bit further, huh? I could barely hear him, we didn't speak for a long time. Now that I think of it the only things he actually told me (besides 'can you hear me?' 'are you at work?' 'what time will you be home?'...) were that we have a 6 hour time difference and that he loved me...
So I really don't know how they are doing. At least we know he is ok :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dreams come true.... hope not mine

When will I remember not to eat before going to bed? Everybody knows that you don't sleep very well after a late dinner because your stomach (and brain) have work to do...

Jeanne cooked a yummy meal last night. How could I refuse? It smelled so good. Plus I haven't had dinner that evening. So, I gave up.

In my crazy dream I saw nearly everyone I know... My Mom was a bus driver! A huge bus! And Mom is insanely scared to drive even a tiny car! (in real life)
I saw shoes and purses... Cats and dogs... And many more...
Thank God I don't remember everything I saw.
Whooh, what a night...

Monday, November 5, 2007


It's weird, I came to work at 9 and it was so quiet and empty in the whole office as if no one ever worked here. Monday is a hard day I guess. But it doesn't mean you can simply cross out Mondays from your routine... I wish I could do that.
The past couple of months have been really difficult, we published like 6 magazines instead of two. In our room of 7 people there are only two present right now, Olya and myself. The rest of our ladies will be away this week. They have earned a good rest.
So, rest in peace, ladies, and get more energy to substitute me when I go for vacation in a week...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cat attack!

This is what we saw out of the front window of our car the other day. Jamie was about to start the car, when suddenly....

They feel rather comfortable on top of our Honda at all times. Seems like they like it as much as we do :))

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

In the past few weeks

Here's what happened recently...

  • For those of you who don't know... we have 4 kittens(1 of them is our neighbour's, but it comes during the day to play with the rest of our cats) and two puppies! It makes our life complete :) I love animals, especially babies. Unfortunately I don't get much time with them. I see them once a week on Saturdays. Gosh, they get a lot bigger in a week! I have to catch up on playing with the cuties.

  • There will be 4 of my little articles in the next Edinstvennaya magazine that comes out in December! (well, not so little - they are all 1-page long... for TV Ekran that would be huge)

  • I think we finally broke our vacuum cleaner - it was so close to dying, but started coughing just yesterday after sucking in quite a bit of wood dust. I really hope it will recover. Our poor blue babe.

  • We had a corporate party, Jamie came with me. I think he will agree that we had a good time. The next day my chief editor deputy said to the whole office: 'Dasha's husband is so cuuuute!' Is she right, or what! He IS cute! :)

  • Next week we're both invited to Bee Movie cinema preview. Enjoy, Jamie!

  • I finally got myself some winter boots! Yeah! I had this burden hanging over me for a while. I like shopping for fun. But not when you know exactly what you need... And when there are several important aspects that limit your choice... like price, size, height - definitely up to knee!, material - it has to be genuine leather and fur, otherwise it's too cold and not worth buying... oh, and you have to be able to wear them both with a skirt, dress pants and jeans... SO - feminine, but not with high heels... Blah! Anyhow, it's a tough process, I'm sure everyone will agree. I didn't have the time or desire to go through it, so I just peeked into the only shoe store we have near our village, tried the only pair of boots... and bought them. No more burden! Dunno about you, but I'm ready for snow :)

  • A friend from work brought me a Blast, Swingin Bach and Dizzy Gillespie DVD :) Percussion art is in favor of many.

  • I was just interviewed by a friend of mine! She invited me for coffee (sly) and came with a notebook and a pen! :) Asked me about that corporate thing that she didn't go to - cheater... :))) - everything said about Alina was said in a good mood with no shade of frustration. I love her!

Emm... That's it for today. What's new in your lives?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Not for vain

My new magazine has a charity fund that collects money for humanitarian aid. For little children with terrible diseases who don't have parents to take care of them.
Last Wednesday I went to see a boy named Vanya who has inner organ transposition and a really bad heart disease.

He is 1,8 y.o., so cute! Big blue eyes with long black eyelashes and a cheerful smile. Looking at his shiny face you can not believe that he is actually dying.
When he desperately needed a surgent's help the doctors in Ukraine didn't even want to try, he was too young for a surgery that could help him. The doctors in Germany agreed to operate him realising the risk. A BIG sum of money was collected by our fund, 85 ooo hrn brought in by the readers of our magazine and 100 000 hrn added by one of our oligarchs, Mr. Surkis (he owns Dynamo FC). After a very successful operation there was hope. The boy was adopted by a young couple who have two of their own children. They were visiting Vanya long before the surgery, but weren't adopting him because there was nothing they could do to save his life. No money - no hope.
Now little Vanya has a family, people who deeply love him and will do everything they can for his sake.
The problem is that a second surgery has to be done in order to save Vanya's life. The first one was done in order to prepare his little body for this one. It has to be done not later than January, otherwise the risk is too big. A surgery after the deadline might not be helpful at all.

My job was to organize a photo session for Vanya and to write an article about this situation calling out for help. I really hope and believe that people of Ukraine will find mercy and kindness in their hearts to save this angel's life. It is only by God's will that he'll survive, but it is only through our readers' help that Vanya's new parents will be able to do it.

What I realised from this little task of mine is that the work I do now is actually not only to entertain the readers of our magazine. Through this fund God actually saves people's lives. I felt so right when realised that what I do daily is actually good, I finally see how I can really serve Him through my job. Official job. It's so great to know that you're useful to society. God is good.

By the way, if any of the ones reading this post feel like being part of this act of mercy, you may contact me for the fund information or use the coordinates below to support our fund.

Получатель: Благотворительный фонд журнала «Единственная»

р/c 26001000671000 (в гривнах)

р/c 26004000671900 (в евро)

в АО «Калион Банк Украина» в г.Киеве

МФО 300379

Код ЗКПО 26548008

Назначение платежа: фонд в помощь Юрочке Бражнику.

Or in English...

Calyon New York, New York

Swift code: CRLYUS33

Receiver: charity fund of Edinstvennaya magazine

Account number - 26004000671900 (will in be exchanged into EUR)

Purpose: Yura Brajnik's fund

Thank you for your generosity

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dedicated to TV Ekran

Professionally I'm very glad I got promoted. Working for one of the most popular and interesting magazines in the whole country is way more than I could only imagine. It's glossy, for goodness sake!!! And I'm extremely excited to be here.

I'm not complaining, I'm in no right to complain. I just now have something to compare.
The team I used to work with is SO great! I don't know how to describe it. I think it's mostly the chief editor's influence. She is young, beautiful, energetic, optimistic, with great sense of humor. She never shows her despair or disappointment even if everything is out of control. She is the spirit of the whole team. I'm sure that's why the atmosphere is so warm and friendly. Though it's a weekly magazine and the speed of work is just amazing, even the air is tense... there's always a lot of laughing, sharing joys and sorrows, support and encouragement, real personal relationships. I'm not even talking about the parties and all the good times we had together. With all of that, believe it or not, we always worked very productively. A real team work, that's what it was.

Here, at my new table, I have this content feeling 'I'm here to work'. Everybody is much more melancholic and candid. Everybody minds his/her own business. People don't talk as much. I guess that's what work is about.

I'm just gaining experience with every minute of my life.
What I can say for sure is:

Dearest TV Ekran,
.... and I will always love you....!!! (Good thing you're only 3 minutes away from me ;)

Monday, October 8, 2007

A new page of my life

Guess what! Today is my first day at a new table!! I got promoted! I work for one of the most popular and loved magazines in Ukraine! It's been existing for 10 years already.

All I can say is:

I'm really happy

Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's 2 a.m.

... and I'm not in my cozy warm bed next to my 'sleeping beauty' Jamie... because I love coffee too much :)
It was such a nice cup of coffee, worth every minute of this sleepless night...

Good thing about being a journalist/editor is that you can always do your work (or improve it, or add to it, or check and correct) just whenever you feel like it. Last week was too hectic for me, somehow my partner and I got a whole WEEK late on our magazine section. We were working like mad, typing thousands symbols per hour, discussing hundreds of problems and answering as many questions that kept falling at us from our boss, advertisment department our designers etc. Busy week, not much of an inspiration one. So tomorrow (or actually today) I have to plan the topics for our next magazine while I still have a couple of articles I have to write for the previous two magazines. So I thought, why not use this sleepless time for creativity. So I did. This will make tomorrow much easier for me :))

Good Monday to everyone. Have a great week!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Otherwise I'll forget...

Even though it's not Halloween yet, I have to share this with you now, so you can get some ideas for youe unique pumpkin carve-craft.

Try this to see how good your ideas look on a pumpkin :))

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The other day (on Monday) walking on the street towards my office I caught up with a girl from my work. I should say, it was a really cold day, with northern wind blowing you all the way through. It became cold very suddenly... Everybody has to realise that fall has come. For good.
Anyhow, I greeted her cheerfuly. And she literally barked at me! :)) I don't mean it this way, but she was so frustrated and upset, her whole body saying 'Don't mess with me!' So, I was like 'wow, you don't seem very happy today'. Turned out that she and her husband were moving that weekend. She didn't know where anything was, she couldn't cook, she couldn't even find any warm clothes. She looked cold in her sandals and shirt (and summer bag). It sounded like she was the most unhappy person in the whole world. And she complained and complained describing in details how unconvenient this whole moving situation is.... And then I laughed and told her I completely understood her. Cuz Jamie and I moved that very same weekend. I told her about my adventures while looking for teapot and at least one cup. She looked a little relieved knowing that someone else is going through the same process right then. We had a good laugh together that morning.

Friday, September 7, 2007

We're home...

It's hard to believe but this time it's for real. We spent our first night in our new house! Yesterday Jamie and I ordered kitchen and came back to my parent's place around 9 p.m.(that's where we stayed for a while). Had a late dinner and were preparing to go to bed when grandma said ' so. are we going to spend the night in our new house? Why don't we have our tea there?' And we were like 'Now?!' But in a few seconds we said 'Sure! It's now or never!' so we took our slippers and pajamas and stepped into the darkness. Everything is done except for the stove (it's not connected) and there are a few problems with electricity (grandma and another person were shocked hardly when mopping floor). No serious injury, but not very pleasant.
But as for the rest of the house, it's done and clean. And whatever it is like, we don't care as long as we are... at home :)))

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Updates on the house

The stairs are done!! The bannisters aren't there and it's not painted yet either, but you can go up and down really quickly using just your legs (opposite the ladder you had to climb with both feet and hands).

The floors and inside paintings are all done, too! The tiles in the kitchen - 'check'! (No kitchen itself though, but we'll get to it) The bathroom is completely done, even with washing machine connected! The lights and outlets... it's all done.

We'll be ready to move in once the electricity matter is solved.
Grandma is moving into her part of the house (to the first floor) today! :)))

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fun, fun, fun!!!

Dearest Jeanechka, good luck searching for the perfect dress!
You look like an agel in any of them,
but there is a dream dress somewhere out there
waiting for you...
Enjoy every second of this blessed time of preparation :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How to...

Edit: So anyhow, I ended up describing my own wedding, because in my opinion it is a perfect example of an ideal wedding. There are tons of things to remember, so my few main advices are the ones that were given to me by both pairs of parents and Cara.

1) Give out as many tasks as possible to friends and relatives (in case if they are responsible of course). They will be happy to help and you won't have to worry about hundreds of little things.

2) Find the balance between your desires and your parents vision of this event. It's as important to parents as it is for you.

3) Make sure to have professional musicians, DJ, photographers and video-operators. You will really want their products to be good.

4) Comfortable shoes (!!!) and tiny handkerchief (I didn't have it and still regret it and when Mom gave it to me I meant to keep it forever but lost it really soon - I wish wedding dress had a tiny pocket in it)

5) Make your wedding a very special unique celebration that you'll remember for life. It's very easy to organize -
marry the man you love :)

I think it's really cool that I get to write an article on how to organize a wedding just about time when my lovely sister-in-law is preparing for hers! Maybe I'll end up with some really good advices (that I myself was given not so long ago)...

...on how and where to order white gold rings

and the most fresh flowers for the bridal bouquette...

... or a perfect reception hall

or a cool antique car... vrrroooom!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Make a wish if you see a falling star

Use your friends' thumbs for it's a 'ten-thumds-up' movie!
Great actors that were able to express themselves
and show their exquisit talent.
Absolutely loved Mr. Shakespear and the Witch.
Awesome! And definitely a wide-screen movie, too.
Comes out... emm... oh, today in US!
On the 16th in Ukraine.
Enjoy! :))

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Watermelon Inspiration

We had watermelon in the office in the morning and it made our day. What a great start!! Eating watermelon with a nice company, what could be better?!


Who can resist its sweet juicy taste and summer spirit?!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Welcome to our office...

Our beautiful correctors Margarita and Ira.
There is no one who knows grammar better than them.

So this is what our busy editorial looks like...
And these are the advisery section editors. Having fun as usual.
Posted by Picasa

Beeeeeezzz, that's us ;)

This is just a taste of our daily hard work.
(hard but oh so fun!)

Below is my beautiful, caring and most wonderful
partner in the 'advisery' magazine section.

Please welcome... Yulia!

And the sweetest Alina, who is a 'celebrity section' editor.
She sits right across me, so we face each other daily.
There is no other face I'd like to see every day more than hers.

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Have you had your laugh today?

A vaccumm salesman walks to a house and knocks on the door. As soon as a lady answers the door, the man throws cow dung all over the carpet. He then says, "If this vaccum does not clean it completely and perform miracles, then I myself will eat the patties."
There is a long pause....
The lady half laughing asks, "Do you want a ketchup or mustard on that?"
Puzzled the man asks, "What? Why?"
She says, laughing, "We just moved in and our electricity is not turn on yet."

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wanna know more about Russia?
Go on this link, you won't regret it. Very informative :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Monday morning...

It's getting harder and harder to get up. Even coffee can't break through my sleepiness. I want to go back to bed!

May I stay home and help you all make cookies today? Please?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Airless and hot

I couldn't believe it when I came out of my office. Outside it didn't feel like outside at all. It felt like I was entering a sauna, or came near the back of an air conditioner. It's 40 degrees C (100 F), for goodness sake! Ukraine is not used to climate like this. The only time I experienced something like that was on tour in New York in 1998 (sometime in fall, I guess?) When I came out from an airport, I couldn't breathe right away, I was looking for some sort of a roof, because I couldn't believe that this was actually a normal condition for outside.
My point is, boy is it hot here!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I feel good.... cuz I've got you!

What can be better
than a hot cup of strong
coffee in the morning?
Even a taste of it says
'Good morning!!!
Up you go, go, go...
Have fun today
for it's a beautiful day!

Isn't coffee just the best thing to wake up with?