Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The other day (on Monday) walking on the street towards my office I caught up with a girl from my work. I should say, it was a really cold day, with northern wind blowing you all the way through. It became cold very suddenly... Everybody has to realise that fall has come. For good.
Anyhow, I greeted her cheerfuly. And she literally barked at me! :)) I don't mean it this way, but she was so frustrated and upset, her whole body saying 'Don't mess with me!' So, I was like 'wow, you don't seem very happy today'. Turned out that she and her husband were moving that weekend. She didn't know where anything was, she couldn't cook, she couldn't even find any warm clothes. She looked cold in her sandals and shirt (and summer bag). It sounded like she was the most unhappy person in the whole world. And she complained and complained describing in details how unconvenient this whole moving situation is.... And then I laughed and told her I completely understood her. Cuz Jamie and I moved that very same weekend. I told her about my adventures while looking for teapot and at least one cup. She looked a little relieved knowing that someone else is going through the same process right then. We had a good laugh together that morning.


Anonymous said...

Dasha: But what a different attitude! You were on an adventure and she was in a nightmare! I'm glad you could make her see the funny side of things and LAUGH!!

Melanie said...
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faith said...

I love it when people understand what you are going through. What a blessing God has given us to have people around us that understand!