Wednesday, April 4, 2007

a Happy Birthday to our dear American...

Okay, here's what they really look like. Powerful, strong and handsome soccer players. We needed a photo-compensation. I like this picture :)

Football - a sport for all types, from all places and all wardrobes...

After this photo was taken, Vadim was taken to the hospital. When we returned, the multi-coloured American was nowhere to be found. If you have seen him, could you please inform the Ukrainian authorities. He is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous...


ukrainiac said...

I'll keep my eyes open...

(By the way, be sure to click on the picture to enlarge wouldn't want to miss any of the details!)

Dasha the Explorer said...

Guess who is the genius artist of this classic masterpiece. 3 guesses only for all.

ukrainiac said...


Dasha the Explorer said...

Maybe as talented as Masha, but no, wrong guess...

Jeanne said...

I know, I know!!!!!

Dasha the Explorer said...

yeah, because I told you :) Well done, you're very bright!

Anna P said...

Care to fill in the rest of the world with your vast amount of knowledge?

Jeanne said...

Adam!!! The one and only Canadian!

faith said...

What in the world.

Dasha the Explorer said...

Creativity and talent, my friend... Not everybody has got it. Adam is a very lucky boy, I shoud say...