A little more than a year ago my cousin Jenya married my classmate Anya. We all studied together in high school. These two were a crazy couple. No one ever knew whether they were dating or not. One day they seem to be together, the next day Anya tells us about this 'other guy' she likes. One day they look so in love, the next day Jenya says he doesn't like any girl and prefers not to waste time on relationships at all. Then we graduated. Then suddenly we found out they are planning to get married. Bam! What a surprise! Is it for real or something that will last for a day again? It did happen though... I was there, I saw it. It is true...
Just about half a year ago another shocking peice of news... A girl to come! Precious Nastya on her way to this world
(Nastya is a short name for Anastasiya)

I'm not sure what amazed me more... looking at a tiny newborn, my first and only neice, or looking at my 'baby cousin' being a real man. Jenya and I grew up together, went to school together, sat at the same desk for many years. We saw each other grow mature, we were there for each other when I became a wife and he became a husband. Now he is married to one of my closest school friends and we live 5 minutes away from each other. It's a wonderful-wonderful world full of pleasant surprises. I'm so thankful to God for His perfect ways of all the things.
What a beautiful baby! And a great story!!
So, when will I get to post pictures of my very first niece of nephew?!?!
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