Saturday, August 16, 2008

An allien in the world of glam

Last night I was invited to attend '1+1' new season presentation. Since '1+1' is the most popular and successful TV channel in Ukraine, everything was done with great taste. Of course their budget allowed the channel to organize a pretty awesome party after the official part of the evening. The event took place in a beautiful resort 'Kozatskyi Stan' (in the picture above) located in the very heart of pinewood not far from where we live.
I went with my friend Alina and we had SO much fun. Lots of delicious food - grilled pork, beef, salmon and shrimp, all kinds of vegetables, juicy watermelons and melons, expensive wines... Later in the evening there were fireworks and lots of toasts.
It was really amazing to be among all of these faces that you normally see on TV. It feels like you've known them for ages. You give them a warm smile of a friend, they answer with a smile of courtesy - they have no idea who you are. But who cares.
On events like this one, where the only people you see are either celebrities or media workers, people don't take pictures with their favorite actors or TV hosts. I never tried it, but if I did... I'm pretty sure it would be quite rude... and a little inappropriate. So I didn't take any pictures, didn't even have a camera (and that's a good thing, otherwise I'd be tempted to take it out!) But when I saw my favorite TV host and showman Yuriy Gorbunov, I just couldn't pass by. He is really charming, really talented, he was also the MC last night. Anyhow, I came up to him, introduced myself, gave him greetings from my collegue he is aquainted with, told him how much I admire his work and got a treat - a sincere smile, not an empty and meaningless one :) He was thankful for all of my kind words. Aaaaanyhow, I met Yuriy Gorbunov. I am quite honored.

That's him.
And I also thought I should meet the Queen of Glamour - Katya Osadchaya :) She used to be a model, then she became a reporter and created her own show. She goes to all of the glam&gloss events (both Ukraine and the rest of the world) and then presents her report on what, when, how, who etc. She wears extraordinary outfits and exclusive hats every time. Yesterday she wore silk dress pants suit and a cute little hat. I'm sure soon there will be pictures of her on the web. But not yet. So here are a few from other events.

After we spoke for a couple of minutes she reached to shake my hand and tell me how pleased she was to meet me. Well, what can I say... It's mutual!


faith said...

This sounds so neat. Once again I think you have such an exciting job. So fun!!

I really hope I do get to see you next year!! How did Jamie's audition go? Jared was asking me if I had heard anything a few days ago. I told him that you all looked like you had enjoyed your time on the Cape, but that I wasn't sure about the audition.

faith said...

Oh, and can you email me your address, please?
