Friday, September 7, 2007

We're home...

It's hard to believe but this time it's for real. We spent our first night in our new house! Yesterday Jamie and I ordered kitchen and came back to my parent's place around 9 p.m.(that's where we stayed for a while). Had a late dinner and were preparing to go to bed when grandma said ' so. are we going to spend the night in our new house? Why don't we have our tea there?' And we were like 'Now?!' But in a few seconds we said 'Sure! It's now or never!' so we took our slippers and pajamas and stepped into the darkness. Everything is done except for the stove (it's not connected) and there are a few problems with electricity (grandma and another person were shocked hardly when mopping floor). No serious injury, but not very pleasant.
But as for the rest of the house, it's done and clean. And whatever it is like, we don't care as long as we are... at home :)))


Anna P said...

Can't wait to see it... this year maybe! Weird, eh?

Are Vadim and Katya moving out that way too?

Anonymous said...

Hooray! We need pictures!!

Dasha the Explorer said...

Vadim and Katya... hmmm... I don't think they know about it yet... But theu will be spending a LOT of time here. They already asked if they could stay in the willage with us every weekend: fresh air, peace, us :)
Actually they are working at their house right now, too. In one of Kyiv dacha sectors (in Rusanovka). of our place... We'll take some when the sun comes out, ok?

Jeanne said...

Yeah! Can't wait to see your place :) and I hope it's BEFORE Anna comes :)

I'm back in Kyiv! Until the weekend when we'll start the paperwork in the West :-/

Dasha the Explorer said...

painted the doors!! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Please be taking "before" and "after" pictures even if they don't get posted right away...

Dasha the Explorer said...

oh, it would be hard to do since we have no idea where our camera is with all the moving, you know...

Anonymous said...

Jamie takes pretty good pictures with his phone!