Friday, July 13, 2007

Faces you should know...

Happy returning from a great family rest in Crimea. Jamie, myself, my brother Andrey and his wife Olesya enjoying beer and taranka (dried fish) at the airport table while waiting for the plane. Notice the red-burned happy faces. Our tan became brown by the time we arrived home.

My cousin Jenya, his wife Anya, Olesya and Andrey


Michelle said...

I want a tan! Yours looks great! :)
so you are back in Kyiv? I will finish my season of Gilmore Girls and call you to come pick up the next season.....okay?

Dasha said...

Before any gluten-free activists go berserk: I'm just pretending to drink beer in this picture... just for the record.

ukrainiac said...

No panic, Jamie.