Sunday, July 22, 2007

Monday morning...

It's getting harder and harder to get up. Even coffee can't break through my sleepiness. I want to go back to bed!

May I stay home and help you all make cookies today? Please?


Dasha said...

Poor baby...

Я на следующей неделе у меня будет то же самое...

Anonymous said...

I read Jamie's blog first this morning, and I made almost the identical comment to HIS as he made to YOURS...hmmmm.

Praying for strength for you...and cooler temperatures!

faith said...

I agree, Mondays are the worst. It is so hard to drag yourself out of bed.

Dasha the Explorer said...

Yes, Faith, it IS hard! But we haven't heard about your exciting job for a while! How is it going? Still enjoying it?