Thursday, November 8, 2007

I got a call from Tokyo!!!

Guess who? :)))))
I couldn't believe my ears! Right in the middle of my work day on my cell phone! I remember thinking that Andrey's and Jamie's voices sound very similar. Today I got convinced it is really so. The little screen on my phone said 'Private #' and when I picked up it felt like it's far away... Allo, allo... Dasha? I was pretty sure that the call was made from as far as Great Britain. Oh, what a pleasant surprise, my brother was so eager to hear me... I needed like 5 seconds to realise it was from Japan! Quite a bit further, huh? I could barely hear him, we didn't speak for a long time. Now that I think of it the only things he actually told me (besides 'can you hear me?' 'are you at work?' 'what time will you be home?'...) were that we have a 6 hour time difference and that he loved me...
So I really don't know how they are doing. At least we know he is ok :)


Anonymous said...

Hooray! I'm so glad he was able to reach you. And that he could remind you of his love. What a sweet guy. As is his wonderful and faithful wife!

Dasha the Explorer said...

Actually we got to speak on Skype today! That was a real treat :) He is doing great.